one hot tea, one cold tea Wednesday, September 22, 2010 Yahh I took a detour after English class today ~ got a giant veggie dog at the hot dog place and went to the new local tea/coffee shop (it's the only cafe in my town now besides Starbucks - YAY!!) and their tea selection is small but significant! It's all loose leaf and it's owned by a couple, the wife is from China and has a selection of Chinese import teas. So I came in for a strawberry craving and have this huge pot of strawberry pu-erh and ice. I was talking to May (owner) about oolong and green tea and she gave me a free cup of her favorite green tea ^_^ I asked her if in China they put sugar and tea and she made a frown face and said "NOOOO ewwwww" laughing "We don't drink with ice either!!" I may have been Chinese in my past life. It's the purest way of enjoying tea and your surroudings. I have been dreaming that I'm sitting on a hill on china and drinking orchid oolong. YUMM!! I never understand how people can muddle their tea with milk especially, milk in anything makes me think of snot! I wonder how Indians who live where tea is grown drink tea (Under the rule of Britain, they began to take tea with milk, that's the only reason Indians drink tea with milk. Then I also don't think they had tea estates until the British, so they didn't drink tea before then at all.) I sent my pen pal in india American tea (well a peach green tea and a hoji-cha in a bag haha) and said "DON'T DRINK THIS WITH MILK!!". He: A. sat wondering what to do with the bag, asking his friends if they had any idea and they all looked at it quizzically wondering if it was really tea!! B. told me tea without milk is like dirty water. hehehe Then he sent me some teas!! Wowwww teas from India!! I was so excited. This is a sampler pack from Chamong estate in Darjeeling India. They are full loose leafs in nylon triangle bags. I plan to try all these flavors, they are based according to growing season, so I will compare how directly that affects the taste. Also I got a Telugu newspaper. I laughed at the pictures, one is of a cow eating a heap of garbage in the side of the road. Sad haha he wrote next to it "This is our main garbage desposal system in Bangalore. It's been outlawed but cows still eat all the garbage in the road and then we drink their milk!" And there was this picture with a bunch of young librarian-looking women that was titled "Local Girls" and I thought this was the Indian version of a prostitution ad! I thought "Wow wait till he sees the ads for american call-girls..." hahaha then he told me it's just about a college competition for women. So I'm drinking a cup of iced tea and a cup of hot tea, in unison. Not the first time haha. A couple of years back I remember being at sympathy for the kettle tea on St. Marks place in ny, we went right before they closed (at midnight) and thought I got an iced tea my friend got a pot of tea and it was so big she had it put into three to go cup. So the I had a hot tea in one hand and an iced tea in the other and I took turned drinking them without even realizing how silly that was! It's okay, I can't get enough tea haha.
Dun Dun DUNNNNNN Saturday, September 18, 2010 Wow creepy ~ Isn't it creepy when exes enter back into your life? I mean, my ex Krish and I keep in touch, we agreed to always be friends after he moved to the Netherlands and broke my heart in millions of peices. My dibilitating heart ache finally subsided and I didn't feel the need to send him email updates of my life, all the latest photos, and monthly phone chats. The day I would have so given a kidney to see 6 months ago has come ~ KRISH HAS COME BACK TO THE STATES!! So he CALLED me (after I think last time we spoke was in April or May by phone) yesterday and said he's here in Connecticut for a business trip! I didn't think much but god is he trying to mess with me? and I just said "Yeah, so? What would you like me to do about that?" "Well being back here, everything reminds me of you princess! I miss you!" I told him not to say that to me as it's unbelievable. Krish has lots of charm and knows how to say all the things that you want to hear, without any purity to them though. This makes me sick! I had spent many times pondering if our whole relationship was a lie. But then I gave up on wasting my time thinking so negatively. Well I spoke with him. He's surprised I'm back in school, said he thought I should be done with school by now. What nerve!! I like talking to him, but I don't know why. He's so disingenuous. This keeps me from getting romantic feelings again (He was my first love). I am excited for him that he's in Connecticut, he's going on shopping sprees taking advantage of his hard earned euro dollar, (now I probably don't seem so expensive to date too!) and asked if I'd come up for the weekend. I told him because I have school I won't visit, though he claimed had the 'foresight' to know I wouldn't be able to visit anyway. So I don't know why he asked and why he decided to call me? "because I've been missing you, everything reminds me of you and it's so boring here without you" Now Krish wants to chat, at night, in the morning, he drunk dials me, he asked me when I get out of school. "Okay I'll call you then." Connecticut must be real boring... Oh btw he has a girlfriend in the netherlands. He's dated her since he moved there. And when I had a hard time letting go of him, he used to call and tell me how he dreams of me and dates other girls yet there is no one in NL like me, and all the things I wanted to hear. He said his girlfriend found out about me when she came across folders with our old couple pictures and started screaming out of jealous rage. When he told me this, I don't know... it made me feel flattered. I consoled him "She sounds like a posessive jealous type... you should leave her" And what is he telling her?? I betting he had all the right things to say to make her feel better. So I realized, he's romanticizing me (even if just by phone) and dating someone else. He's so two-faced. Again, the thought of our relationship having been all a lie crosses my mind. His current relationship is a lie. I bet he has a lineup of "princesses" ~ one for each country. Now that Krish is back in Connecticut, I Told my mom, who's currently on Long Island, to ferry across the sound and beat his ass :P Labels: dating
America, ranked 11# country in the world. Wednesday, September 15, 2010 ![]() So in Newsweek Magazine's best countries in the world edition, America was #11. That is more or less where I expected it to be, I would have guessed we'd be #7 though. I asked my mom what she thought was number 1, she said "Canada". I placed my bets on England. Well the number one country is Finland!! Wow! My first thought was brrrr cold. But reading down the list, one comes to realize that you must sacrifice warmth for the best in economy, wealth, rights and cultural opportunities. Finland, Sweden, Switzerland, Australia, Norway, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Canada, Japan, Denmark, USA, Germany, New Zealand, UK, South Korea These are the first 15 countries listed (in order) in the Newsweek report on the best countries of the world which I research for my world geography class. They base their reports on the quality of life with emphasis on education, health, average income, political environment, and population survey. Interesting!! So Japan is the healthiest country in the world. Norway is the happiest (??!?!??) As for the worst countries, just about any one of the countries on the African content. LOL It didn't need to be said, and I shouldn't put it so lightly. So I realize everything in Europe is better!! Excluding Poland b.c my family is from there and they would have sold their kidneys to get out. So now to Just move to Finland! lol jk. I want to stay where it is warm and sunny and I am an ocean girl! Florida, Hilton Head Island, or New York <3
Happy Ganesh Chaturthi! Saturday, September 11, 2010 ![]() Today in India ~ Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated. I'm not hindu but I promised my friend Satya I would do a ritual because he had gifted me a small idol he got in india last year. Also I recently got a package in the mail from my birthday ~ inside a beautiful saree!! I've always dreamt of having one. MY parents have been joking that it's a wedding saree, I've got a ganesha, and next thing he'll send is a stone and we'll be married. ![]() ![]() The first step in the ritual is cleansing. You need to bathe and dress well (I dressed in my saree!) in order to be presentable to the god. Then you bathe/clean the god (I just wiped him down with a clorox cloth LOL). In India this step is more like this: ![]() "The most serious impact of the Ganesh festival on the environment is due to the immersion of icons made of Plaster of Paris into lakes, rivers and the sea. The day after the immersion, shoals of dead fish can be seen floating on the surface of the water" (wikipedia) HAHAHA I have sucha dark humour, because I found this really funny. After Ganesh is clean, you smear tumeric on his forehead and place him outside with a flower at his feet. And then make a wish!!
Memorial Day weekend! Thursday, September 9, 2010 my name in hindi ^ After thinking hilton head was so fabulous last time I was there (for a day trip, my friend Satyajit was visiting and had a plane return from their tiny island airport where he took a charter plane and said he saw my cousins and I swimming at the beach from the sky!) I decided to make it Hilton Head the destination for this long weekend's getaway. This island is two hours from my house, via the back roads! I realized what a wonderful thing to be living in the middle of nowhere ~ I get all the scenic routes to travel. (But 15 minutes to a grocery store, 50 minutes to school... not fun) There is never any traffic besides truckers and farmers (and others like me I guess haha). Okay so I am SOOO in love with this island! And on the way down in Beaufort, the mainland town right off the island, is a USC campus I'm seriously going to apply to just for the location. Yeah ~ Hilton Head is at the top of my list along with Florida and going back to New York (everything is there, my life is there.) My friends and I stayed at a roach motel, the kind of hotel you'll walk into and notice first a super funky smell. Notice second, a hard bed with plasticy blankets. And finally you will inevitably find a big bug holding up a welcome banner (if you are lucky it will be a dead bug). I had a hard time sleeping because I was having cockroach nightmares and hallucinating that they were crawling on the ceiling and on my body. You have no idea what cockroach nightmares do to me. Give me cold sweats, jitters, ect... The rug had that damp humid feeling so I wore shoes inside the room too lol. It was just two nights so we stuck it out... and I'll be back!! Next time I want to stay at one of the beach hotels. I'm not even dreaming big, we got serious island connections this weekend. . Well they are practically giving away time shares because of a bad economy I suppose. ![]() courtesy of For a vacation island, it's the most diverse place I've seen in South Carolina. (I mean... I'm used to NY...) We met a lot of people from Russia, arab countries, and indians in particular. Satya said all the indians were staying at the roach motel with us because they were having a special. My born-and-buttered southern friend who likes foreign men (don't we all?) was in heaven lol. So many hot foreign men in such a small radius. Too bad they all had kids and wives. (And yeah all under 30!! Not uncommon in most of the world to be 26 and have 3 kids already lol O_O) Speaking of foreign food, I have a killer craving for pupusas X__X A craving to never be fulfilled... because I live in south carolina. I have to learn to cook everything I want :p Oh and JC Penny had a major sale for the holiday. This is what I came back with:
லுன்ச்டிமே Wednesday, September 1, 2010 Here I am in the cafeteria drinking fresh brewed passion fruit green tea: ![]() and doing the dreaded math homework (I need serious help!!) in pen because I actually used up my pencil (thanks to a dollar store sharpener that doesn't really sharpen, so I wittled it away...) I found out sending phone pics to myself takes 24 hours. By tonight I should have 50 of these pictures because I just kept sending and sending waiting for it to come up in my email! I'm really amused by the two guys gawking at me in the background. Life is tres pathetic. I know now I won't make any friend's when some artsy guy said hi to me and I said hi back too fast while eating some debbie snack thing (mystery food) and shot something out T__T Someone asked me if I had marijuana in my tea today also!! I noted if I was making marijuana tea I would not be drinking such in public for obvious reasons. "Then what are those leaves??" "Those are tea leaves." "Really?? Tea has leaves??" "Tea is from a plant..." "Wowww is it good?" "Why yes, you should try tea sometime from a plant" Hmmm I got to wondering how many people don't know tea is from a plant. Well if you drink the stuff like Arizona iced tea... it's not from a plant!! Americans... I live in South Carolina, home to America's only tea plantation where the camelia sinesis is grown, cultivated, packaged and sold to local merchants. (lol world history class effecting my daily vocabulary. Merchants is such a mesopotaminan term...) Yet most people have no idea still! MMM I love tea. I didn't make enough of it today (already it's near gone and I have to pee T__T) |
About Hana ![]() Small town girl Polish Princess New Yorker twenty-one years old college in SC photography, shopping, NYC, bollywood, cooking, kawaii, tea drinking, world culture currently feeling: ![]() Dress-up!
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