லுன்ச்டிமே Wednesday, September 1, 2010 Here I am in the cafeteria drinking fresh brewed passion fruit green tea: ![]() and doing the dreaded math homework (I need serious help!!) in pen because I actually used up my pencil (thanks to a dollar store sharpener that doesn't really sharpen, so I wittled it away...) I found out sending phone pics to myself takes 24 hours. By tonight I should have 50 of these pictures because I just kept sending and sending waiting for it to come up in my email! I'm really amused by the two guys gawking at me in the background. Life is tres pathetic. I know now I won't make any friend's when some artsy guy said hi to me and I said hi back too fast while eating some debbie snack thing (mystery food) and shot something out T__T Someone asked me if I had marijuana in my tea today also!! I noted if I was making marijuana tea I would not be drinking such in public for obvious reasons. "Then what are those leaves??" "Those are tea leaves." "Really?? Tea has leaves??" "Tea is from a plant..." "Wowww is it good?" "Why yes, you should try tea sometime from a plant" Hmmm I got to wondering how many people don't know tea is from a plant. Well if you drink the stuff like Arizona iced tea... it's not from a plant!! Americans... I live in South Carolina, home to America's only tea plantation where the camelia sinesis is grown, cultivated, packaged and sold to local merchants. (lol world history class effecting my daily vocabulary. Merchants is such a mesopotaminan term...) Yet most people have no idea still! MMM I love tea. I didn't make enough of it today (already it's near gone and I have to pee T__T) |
About Hana ![]() Small town girl Polish Princess New Yorker twenty-one years old college in SC photography, shopping, NYC, bollywood, cooking, kawaii, tea drinking, world culture currently feeling: ![]() Dress-up!
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