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America, ranked 11# country in the world.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Todays look Don't mind my bare feet T_T' The shoes I wore turned out to be torture devices so I took them off first thing!! (these shoes)

I wish I lived in Europe!! Well I love being from New York, but South Carolina is a serious culture shock T__T Everyone (okay okay like 60% maybe) my age has at least one kid from their high school bf. SCARY. There's about 3 children to every adult. And wal-mart is a way of life and it's the only place to shop within 30 minutes! So New York is the closest you'll get to Europe in America. New York is considered the fashion capital of the world, New York is really it's own place. I miss New York. American's are loathed around the world, but you tell someone you're from NY and you're not so bad. (I hope! And I do know I sound like the biggest snob since that socialite who drove her SUV into a group of pedestrians and said "What? - It's not like I hit anyone important!")

So in Newsweek Magazine's best countries in the world edition, America was #11. That is more or less where I expected it to be, I would have guessed we'd be #7 though. I asked my mom what she thought was number 1, she said "Canada". I placed my bets on England. Well the number one country is Finland!! Wow! My first thought was brrrr cold. But reading down the list, one comes to realize that you must sacrifice warmth for the best in economy, wealth, rights and cultural opportunities.

Finland, Sweden, Switzerland, Australia, Norway, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Canada, Japan, Denmark, USA, Germany, New Zealand, UK, South Korea

These are the first 15 countries listed (in order) in the Newsweek report on the best countries of the world which I research for my world geography class. They base their reports on the quality of life with emphasis on education, health, average income, political environment, and population survey. Interesting!!

So Japan is the healthiest country in the world. Norway is the happiest (??!?!??)

As for the worst countries, just about any one of the countries on the African content. LOL It didn't need to be said, and I shouldn't put it so lightly.

So I realize everything in Europe is better!! Excluding Poland b.c my family is from there and they would have sold their kidneys to get out. So now to Just move to Finland! lol jk. I want to stay where it is warm and sunny and I am an ocean girl! Florida, Hilton Head Island, or New York <3

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