Valentine's Weekend Monday, February 14, 2011 With J living in Columbia now we spend our weekends together and we had the whole weekend to celebrate valentine's day! His ideas to impress me are sweet and endearing haha but he is always a little clueless. He said "don't eat dinner, I am preparing the perfect vegetarian meal to surprise you." So when I got up to Col., he presented me with a giant fruit bowl ~ full of (uncut) apples oranges grapes bananas and a whole pineapple lol!! I was like "oh wow!! Not a hint of animal in sight, very thoughtful of you sweetie" I got gold diamond stud earrings for a present ~ there's two of them, medium and small size. Wow they are perfect for starting second ear holes! We drank the champagne that I brought up while he was doing his antrhopology homework. It's all about primates and quite interesting. I get drunk so fast and found the monkey pictures and facts HILARIOUS. This thing had me laughing long after the homework was done ~ ![]() It's the Emporer Tamarin. Named after some british royalman with the exact same moustache. The description on his homework to find the species for was "Curled white moustache and beard. Looks like a Dr. Seuss charachter" HAHAHAH Omg I love you emporer tamarin. ![]() Next on the homework was a video about lemurs and the scientists trying to decode lemurs emotions and thoughts as they have been discovered to be "deep thinkers". HAHAHA. I was sooo buzzed, joe kept telling me to quiet so he can find the answers to the video questions but I kept going on about Lemurs reading Neitzsche and how enjoy deep discussions about modern art and debate jungle politics. So, enthused about primates, J and I had a educational and fun date at the zoo the next day! ![]() He lives practically 5 minutes from the zoo. And the place really exceeded my expectations!! I have never even been to a zoo but I've heard only horrible things about them. I don't know how keeping animals in captivity can be so bad ~ the columbia zoo animals were so well cared for and happy. Just look: ![]() The two gorgeous lions are clearly smiling!! Oh their smiles make me so happy. The female looks like my cat Mr. Big and he smiles when he is laying in the sun or eating. ![]() MMMM GET IN MY BELLY!! I made crab legs that morning for us so when we found this mutant crab (a japanese crab) J and I had started craving for it all over again. (Well yes I'm veg ~ pescatarian so only I don't eat land animals lol) Piranha fish^ ![]() Ohhh I love llamas!! They have amazing doe eyes and long curly lashes hehe. So cute :D The zoo also features a giraffe lookout, kangaroo walk (with mini kangs) which is a trail going through their actual den, no fence! (Sadly we missed the times for this). Beautiful elephants. In the lion's den was a monkey haha J was like "Wonder why they keep a moneky with the lions". The birds make monkey sounds which is hilarious ~ I heard them from far away and I thought "More monkies that way!" when we followed the sound we saw a bunch of dancing parakeets hooting and hollering. I have heard that parrots/parrakeets can imitate the sounds of dogs and cats to HEHE. I wonder if the would do lion roars and elephant noises. Not only are many animals put into grave danger due to changing climate and deforestation, but many african animals ~ like primate species and birds ~ are hunted by tribes. These are primative tribes that hunt to survive, but I wonder if they know what they are doing is wiping out a whole species. Sadly captivity, though less than ideal, is the only way to keep many animal species alive. A baboon was born a couple of years ago at the columbia zoo, that's for good news! That's all for now ~ Happy Valentine's day *Hana* Labels: animals, dating, holiday, pictures, zoo
2011 UPDATE Wednesday, February 9, 2011 I'm in spring semester and my classes are: World History, Spanish 1, Intro to Busines, Darkroom, and Algebra Okay I took photo as a saving point to keep my hopes up as the rest of my curriculum gets rough but I just spent 130 dollars on film and photo paper -_- Spanish has me talking to myself in spanish on the way to school, making up stories to go along with our chapters. I've made up a whole tele-novela in my head just the other day I was pretending to be pepita and I'm telling my friend I am having such a bad day because I just discovered my "enamorado" (word for lover oooh) is really married and has two hijos (kids) ~ those little ninos (thinking In need the spanish word for brats) walked in on us having sexo!!! lol... way too vivid imagination I'm still with Joe, only he has switched to university of sc and moved 2 hours away!! After much contemplation and talking it over, we both agreed we've become serious enough to make it work. We've seen eachother every weekend so far. It's love <3 We've had talks about future "co-habitation" ~ wowww! This gives me the the very difficult matter of brain vs heart. I don't like USC or the city of columbia, and since I moved here I've been wanting to transfer to university of Florida, Orlando, or stay in Charleston. But I'm older ~ I'm just looking for the education not the college life (if I was single I would leave SC in a second). Joe has agreed to let me take him to New York! In typical southern fashion ~ he hates NY, the north, and everything outside south carolina overall. You don't even need to have ever stepped a foot outside your hometown to have the mindset that you're the best down here. All his friends are the same way and I just long for my hometown everytime someone starts shit talking about New York (when they never even f**&*ing been there). *Sigh* I hate geographical bigotry... haha honestly though I'm the pot meeting all the kettles now. I worry about how our differences will play out in the future. I remember my friends and I joking so long ago (when I was 16!) about what we would become if our lives ended up completely different than we wanted ~ they told me I would end up marrying a lumberjack and living in a log cabin on some remote mountain with 16 children and having to stay home, cook, and clean. OMG I think this may be coming true... My resolutions have been: - To make use of my costly gym membership (so far uhhh 5 times...) - Eat less processed foods and snacks - wake up by 10 AM every day (yeah with afternoon classes and no job this hasn't happened!) the only exception being if I got night-morning job at airport (I didn't -_-) - join an employment agency |
About Hana ![]() Small town girl Polish Princess New Yorker twenty-one years old college in SC photography, shopping, NYC, bollywood, cooking, kawaii, tea drinking, world culture currently feeling: ![]() Dress-up!
Older Entries -October 2009 -August 2010 -September 2010 -October 2010 -November 2010 -February 2011 -March 2011 -April 2011 -July 2011 |