One week of school down and I feel like summer is officially over!! For once I have no weekend plans to hit the beach., instead I'm staying in and doing homework. I'm so home sick too. Something reminded me the other day of the Ronkonkama LIRR (Long island rail road) station. I think it was those concrete benches maybe. So then I was having flashback to sitting on them waiting for the train to NYC. And if I was in NY, this weekend I'd probably hit the city with someone. What I really dislike about the south is the weekends are boring, I haven't made any friends :/ I'm such a shy girl T_T;; Being in school is so nervous because everyone knows someone, either from high school or a previous class, and I'm starting off so blank, I feel like an outcast! I can't wait for clubs to start, I will end up joining a couple and just entering all mousy like usual "hiii... uhhh I don't know anyone." and if they are friendly, I come out of my shell. If not, I'll resort into my cave-like mind and be thinking: OKAYYY well international club is a no go!!! And will make sure to never show my face there again and run away from anyone in the club. (lol ok I'm not that pathetic). Well I have high hopes, and I doubt such will happen, I mean there is automatically something you have in common with other people in a club sooo... it's the starting point to conversations. As mentioned I'm going to join the international club, and also the LGBT club. It's a top priority for a girl like me to have fabulous gay friends haha. I was debating over anime club, but, then I think twice. Anime clubs fill up with geeks (not necessarily the on-the-computer-in-a-dark-room-at-5-am-drooling-over-hentai kind of geeks though). And I like geeks more than normal people because they are usually unconventional, non-conformist, funny and kinda multi-cultural (even if it's strictly japanese). But also, Anime people are usually extremely childish! I'm a bit childish so I don't usually get along with similar individuals, especially if I hear 20 year olds speaking in pokeman voices. Kind of brings me back to the days where I'd be in such groups and sitting in the midst of a battle with card board swords fought by adults wearing cat ears and cat tails. Going back to college also means I'm old enough to be everyone's grandma (Or at least have baby sat for these straight outta high school kiddies) and so this scenario would be multiplied by about 11. Ohhh I'm so one to talk! As I am writing this, Wizards of Waverly Place on the disney channel is on, and I love that show! I also love Blythe doll and pouting a lot when I'm not getting my way. I'm as much of a kid as they come!! I want to meet someone who has an interest for topics like ancient history, astro-zoology, world religions, museums, soccer, japanese street fashion, foreign films and modern world cultures. lol no wonder I'm such an outsider. I'm a snob! I'm not, or have ever been, your average american girl. -_- My classes are so far so good. Math will probably lead me to an early death but I got a tutor for my lunch hour and I think if math doesn't kill me, my tutor will. (Nothing makes me feel more stupid and incompetant like math. I read and re-read instructions to such lame ass things and I can't get my head around anything. There's just too much to remember!!! I've never been bad at anything in my life! Now World history is my area of expertise. We have to choose topics for a reasearch paper and this is the hard part because I'm interested in many of the topics. I've narrowed it down to Siddartha Guatama (the Buddha) and Caliph Harun Al-Rashid who I didn't know was actually a real person. I've read the 1001 Arabian Nights and he's all over that book. The book is filled with stories of orgies, adultery, secret love, betrayal, slavery, nightly bacchanals, talking objects, djins, magical stuff, trippy stuff... I'm thinking if even 10% of Harun Al Rashid's life consisted of any of this it will be a really interesting research paper! Labels: test
பிரஸ்ட் தப ஸ்கூல் Monday, August 23, 2010 I still don't know why my titles are sometimes written in this indian script - whatttt!?! It looks cool though? haha. But I've finalized this blog layout and will start writting to chronicle my days in college and living in south carolina (though I've been here for a year already). பிரஸ்ட் தப ஸ்கூல் means first day of school. (That's today!) ![]() I woke up at 6 and this is how I looked! Trst me in this south carolina heat and humidity though by 11 I had an electrocuted look to my hair and my eyeliner had shifted down for a true times square hooker look. T__T'' So much for generic eyeliner. My lipstick is Givenchy Rose Eclat and I love love love this lipstick. It's shiny with out being glossy so it stays on and it feels so luxurious. It puffs the lips up some. This color is subtle and goes with everything but I feel I should be wearing bright lipsticks now while I'm still young. I spent sunday at the beach seeping off a slight hangover from the dancing at a drag club! I was careless with my sunscreen and you can see that huge tan line! My friend N and his mother have access to a private resort island while so we went there baking on Sunday and looking for future husbands (haha jk). An admirer of his mom was there and he's a fellow New Yorker; retired from wall street, has a house on the island, and has a daughter who's spending her summer traveling India with her parisian roomate before starting back at NYU. I was thinking "I'm up for adoption!" The school has screwed up my residency and set my fees to that of an out of state student. It's 3,000 more. This is a lot of new paperwork to do and being under 24 and dependent, they won't let me do this without my parents. I'm soo nervous. My parents have a tax extension, so the government is basically refusing to acknowledge us and the forms take that much longer to process. My financial aid hasn't even been accepted yet, I have full tuition~ which needs to be paid by friday!! That's my fault, I didn't fill my Fafsa out until Saturday :/ Getting into a morning Algebra class was like taking bets in Las Vegas. Basically math is the bane of my existence. My mom was saying how there should be class scalping or trading. Though they say first year students have to add/drop at the registrar in person I got sneaky and found out how to do it myself! I had been on that line four times. I had the course search on my laptop open and refreshing ever three minutes. I'd run up every time I saw an opening for something in the AM ~ only to have that class taken by then time I was third in line or even once when I had gotten all the way to the window >__< Conclusively though, I have come out victorious and managed to score 12 pm math class :D Labels: school |
About Hana ![]() Small town girl Polish Princess New Yorker twenty-one years old college in SC photography, shopping, NYC, bollywood, cooking, kawaii, tea drinking, world culture currently feeling: ![]() Dress-up!
Older Entries -October 2009 -August 2010 -September 2010 -October 2010 -November 2010 -February 2011 -March 2011 -April 2011 -July 2011 |