Weird Dreams Wednesday, March 9, 2011 I just woke from a 20 hour slumber (sickness) and dreamt a lot last night. In one dream I was in a competition such as "Top Chef" and we had to cook anything with whatever main dish they threw at us. My whole family with in it also. I was thrown a chicken and started sobbing because I told the producers I won't handle meat ~ my parents were like suck it up!! Everyone got some big animal and then I didn't feel bad all I had was a chicken, but an Indian veg guy I dated was in my dream ~ and he had been thrown a cow! Haha he was sulking and wondering what to do. I was thinking to myself ~ maybe I should trade animals with him - Well no I don't want a cow I don't eat cows either- but cows are so holy to him his going through this big moral epiphany right now - well it's the luck of the draw, I'll stick with the chicken. I cooked up a chicken gravy soup with risotto and scallops in the center. This all took place in a house on a farm/jungle with wild animals running around and my dog Salli was with us. My dog went out to pee and was attacked by a male lion! So she ran inside and started playing with the female lion who was chilling with everyone on the couch, Sal probably just thought this was a big cat. Soon the female playfully ran outside and sally ran after, we were all screaming "NOO GET BACK HERE NO NO SALLIIIIII!!" And then she was lured to her death as the female lion ran to meet the male and he lept out of the dark and we heard salli yelping and wathced her run away but they ran after her. I was screaming and my parents were holding me back because I was going to run and save her risking my life, but the lions killed salli -_- After that all the men on the farm were giving me hugs to make me feel better ~ but they all ended up trying to grope me in my misery! My boyfriend wants to get me a dog for my birthday, I want a redbone coonhound lol. I told Joe it's the perfect dog for us, southern 'bred' and buttered plus natural hunting instincts - things he looks for, and he has things I look for ~ intelligence, beauty, and under 24 inches. I want to spare a little coon puppy from the red neck life. I will acquaint her with cats and bunnies so her desire to eat them is tamed. ![]() But I really want a bunny!! (Dogs need a lot more free time, plus I have Salli mom's dog, aka "little sister") I don't want a handbag dog ~ while thats adorable (I tried to carry salli around in my bags when she was a pup) it's too froofy even for me. |
About Hana ![]() Small town girl Polish Princess New Yorker twenty-one years old college in SC photography, shopping, NYC, bollywood, cooking, kawaii, tea drinking, world culture currently feeling: ![]() Dress-up!
Older Entries -October 2009 -August 2010 -September 2010 -October 2010 -November 2010 -February 2011 -March 2011 -April 2011 -July 2011 |